Growing connections: Fiber
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Growing connections: Fiber

Jun 12, 2024

BULLHEAD CITY — Mohave Electric Cooperative’s high-speed fiber-optic communication network project has connected a milestone 8,000 members.

The five-year infrastructure project to install a fiber-optic network connecting every commercial and residential electric meter and provide fiber-optic internet, digital phone and streaming TV services to MEC's service area began in December of 2020.

“We have a total of 44,133 meters and 1,555 miles of line” said Allison Ellingson, MEC spokeswoman. “The installations include business members such as the Colorado River Union High School District and Bullhead City School district, City of Bullhead City, the 911 Center and the Bullhead City Fire Department stations. We have so far installed over 5.8 million feet of fiber with more being added daily.”

The benefits of the project serve both the utility and its members.

“MEC owns the fiber-optic network, which will provide benefits to the electric system such as two-way communication between our substations, call center, meters, and renewable energy facilities,” Ellingson said. “TWN Communications is the contractor to build out the network and offers broadband services as an additional benefit to our members.”

There are currently 20 crews, a mix of MEC, TWN and subcontractors working on the backbone cabling, distribution labeling and splicing, and testing connections, Ellingson said. All wires for fiber follow the electrical lines. That number doesn't include crews doing the work up to and inside homes.

Neighborhoods seeing conduit installation, which is used for underground rather than aerial connections, have several steps remaining before completion, including connecting fiber to the home through a network interface device to a box outside the house. The NID is equivalent to a telephone box outside the house. Fiber is then run from the NID to the residence and connected to an optical network terminal, which provides WiFi connection.

“Once construction initially begins in an area, the first connection could be up to six months later,” Ellingson said.

The timing depends on many factors including how many members, the distance of service area, the number of crews and pre-registrations for TWN fiber internet and phone services.

The first residential member connection was completed in June 2021 and the first business connection a month later. Construction is completed by zones, which mirror MEC substations.

Completed or near completion zones include the Big Bend and Silver Creek in the central Bullhead City area and the airport zone in northern Bullhead City.

“MEC is bringing fiber to Fort Mohave next, including residential and commercial members, with initial construction beginning in a month or two,” Ellingson said.

The project was a first of its kind in Arizona, requiring state legislation authorizing nonprofit electric cooperatives to provide broadband service. Then-Gov. Doug Ducey signed the legislation in June 2020.

The Arizona Corporation Commission, which regulates Arizona utilities, gave its unanimous approval for the cooperative to seek $110 million in private financing for the project.

In 2022, MEC was awarded National Rural Electric Cooperative Association's Cooperative Purpose Award in recognition of work with its members to make an outstanding contribution resulting in visible, lasting improvements to the quality of life and the purpose of the cooperative in the community.

Ellingson said there have been few complaints about the disruption.

“MEC and TWN are committed to our members, and we appreciate our members patience with us during the construction,” Ellingson said. “MEC sends letters and phone messages to notify members when TWN’s contractors are working in the area and provides contact information for questions about construction.”

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